localkhan - Khan Academy Offline

Download and distribute Khan Academy content to student devices.
Once synchronized, the exercises and videos work completely offline.
Manage multiple students per device and track their progress.

View demo
One tutorial only (~10MB). Password: 1234

4 simple steps to get started

1. Install localkhan

$ pip install localkhan

2. Download the desired Khan (sub-)topic

$ localkhan get early-math
  Downloading topics...
  [################################] 1/1 - 00:02:52
  Downloading media assets...
  [###                             ] 50/466 - 00:16:44

You can identify the topic path by visiting the desired topic on www.khanacademy.org and get the path after the subject name from the URL like this:

3. Start local server

$ localkhan serve
  Visit on the devices to be synchronized.
  (Press CTRL+C to quit)

4. Visit your local server on your target device